

The world has become a very confusing place……a place filled with darkness. Neverthless, as we get closer to Moshiach we can see how Hashem is purifying the world….how He is exposing impurity.   We have to take a stand against impurity . We have to stand with Hashem. Mi Kamocha B’eilim Hashem….we have to be on […]

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Lchatchila arriber

As we age many thoughts flash through our minds. Obviously we begin to see life differently. We begin to see the end of things….we begin to realize what is important and what is not. In other words, we prioritize. We realize how much time we wasted.  We also wish to utilize our time in a

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We are approaching the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah. It is customary to wish each other a “shana tova umetuka”, a good, sweet new year. Many people simply say “shana tova”, a good new year. But the Lubavitcher Rebbe insisted on using the word “metukah”, sweet. Why? Because the idea of a sweet new year


Musing about life

As we approach Shavuot, I find myself musing on the ironies of life.  On Pesach my daughter started feeling sick. It continued for several weeks, getting worse each week to the point that she began vomiting and having stomach pains etc. We took her to the hospital and she was diagnosed with celiac disease!  Ironic

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