We are approaching the Jewish new year, Rosh Hashanah. It is customary to wish each other a “shana tova umetuka”, a good, sweet new year. Many people simply say “shana tova”, a good new year. But the Lubavitcher Rebbe insisted on using the word “metukah”, sweet. Why? Because the idea of a sweet new year is the idea of sweetening any harshness or judgments.  May this new year truly be a healthy, happy, sweet new year for all. Since Rosh Hashanah starts on Shabbat this year, may it be a year which has the joy and peace and tranquility of Shabbat constantly. May it be the year which is Shabbat all the time…may it be the year of Moshiach! Wishing everyone to be written and sealed for healthy, happy, prosperous and sweet new year.