

Now is the new Hebrew month of Iyar.  Iyar is an anacronym for the words “Ani Hashem Refoecha” (I am the Lord Who heals you).   So may this month bring true healing to everyone who needs. And when the Almighty heals, without going through an intermediary, there is no trace of any illness. But we

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Moshiach will reveal a new and higher light than has ever been revealed in the world before. As we approach that time, the G-dly revelations become more concealed in preparation for this new light so things often appear darker in the world. But the reality is that the world is just preparing for a greater


Light after darkness

I was watching an interview with Eva Sandler,  widow of Jonathan Sandler, and her strength is incredible, may Hashem continue  to give her strength and to comfort her among all the mourners of Zion and may  she know only simchas from now on. But one thing she said that truly entered my  heart: she said

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Changing Darkness to Light

Rabbi Twerski gave a fascinating talk addressing the misconception of happiness in today’s society, explaining that many people look for happiness in the wrong places or believe pleasure to be the vehicle to happiness.  He explained that we can alter our approach to the “pursuit of happiness” so that instead of our human instincts dominating our personal

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Why is happiness so difficult to achieve?  We certainly have all heard the advice: focus on the good and on the blessings you have and you will become happy.  That definitely has a profound lesson in it: we do need to focus on our blessings, to acknowledge the good, feel gratitude and be happy. But