Now we are entering the three weeks, the time the Jewish nation mourns the destruction of our holy Beis Hamikdash in Jerusalem.  We know that one of the main ideas during these three weeks is to increase in love and unity in order to correct the sin of baseless hatred which caused the destruction. 

But we also need to think about Moshiach. During these weeks we learn about the construction of the Beis Hamikdash because it says that whoever learns about the construction, it is as if they actually rebuild it.

It also says in Torah that any generation that does not experience the rebuilding of the Beis Hamikdash in actuality, is as if they destroyed it.  Why? Because we each have to feel a sense of responsibility, as if our wrong actions caused the destruction even today.

That is why the Lubavitcher Rebbe told us all that we need to do our part to bring Moshiach. We cannot rely only on the tzadikim. We each need to feel a sense of responsibility. We often may feel “who are we to accomplish this if even the greatest tzadikim were unable to?” 

And this is what Chassidus means when it says “Moshiach will come when our minds are diverted from it.”  In effect, it is saying that when we stop doubting our abilities and we stop wondering  how we can actually bring the Moshiach (because we are nothing compared to the spiritual giants) and we just go forward with simple sincerity, then we can indeed bring the redemption. We have to put aside doubts and calculations. This is compared to a parable of a king who lost his ring. All the great minsters and important people went to search for it. It was found by a simple peasant who discovered it by accident, without even looking on purpose.  This is the idea of Moshiach: we can discover Moshiach and bring the redemption as if it is a lost object waiting to be found.  Each of us must feel that it depends on us to do this, no matter how small or unimportant we may feel.