The Torah speaks about different sefirot (attributes) which were used to create the world. There is the sefirah of chesed, kindness, gevurah, strictness , etc.
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh explains: In the body our immune system corresponds to the sefirah of hod (acknowledgment/thankfulness). The immune system is the most susceptible to disorder and confusion, weakening its ability to distinguish between diseased or invading cells, and positive, healthy cells.
As we rectify our ability to acknowledge and thank G-d for everything we have and to relate to Him with wholehearted sincerity (which is the inner rectified aspect of the sefirah of acknowledgement), we are then healed from illness and anguish.
I find this very interesting because nowadays there are so many autoimmune conditions that never existed before. Almost every problem is connected to the immune system.
And in our society nowadays people are often dissatisfied with life, unappreciative of what they have, and people tend to be lacking in this concept of being satisfied with one’s lot and grateful for everything we are given.
So this is something very important to work on . Each one of us must increase our ability to recognize, acknowledge and be grateful for everything we have (big or small) and to feel humble and thankful. This will bring about health and balance. We need to look at life with positivity and constantly realizing things could be worse. We need to appreciate what we have. When we do that, Hashem also responds by granting us greater kindness. It is like a parent: when we see our children ungrateful for what we give them, feeling entitled to everything and angry if they don’t get what they want, we do not have nachas and we do not want to constantly give more and more to that child. If, however, we see our children humble, grateful for every little thing and thanking us, we have nachat and we want to give more.
As we enter the month of Elul, the month of mercy, may we all merit to be awakened to tesuvah in whatever needs correcting, and may we all become closer to G-d, recognizing that any distance we feel is because of something we lack and that we need to fix. May we merit a healthy, happy, prosperous, sweet new year, shana tova umetukah.