Time to upgrade the vocabulary of the media…..
No, the west bank is not “occupied” land! It is part of the Jewish land of Israel, our holy land. And it does not belong to so called “Palestinians” (which there is no such a nation) or any other non Jews.
No, Israel did not commit genocide or use excessive force: Israel has not used enough force yet! And fighting against terrorists who entered our land, kidnapped our people, raped and murdered innocent people is not called genocide. Defending ourselves against evil terrorists who kidnap and murder babies is not called genocide. not to do so would be suicide!
No, the “war” of the Palestinians or Gazans or any other muslim group is not a “justified” war. It is pure and simple terror. It is pure evil just like the perpetrators.
No, there are no “innocent” civilians in gaza: not even the children. They stand around jeering and cheering when they see the suffering and humiliation of the hostages .
No, there should not be “humanitarian aid” entering gaza…it does not get to the right places. It is used for the terrorists and nothing gets to the hostages because nobody cares about them so no, the Gazans should have no help to continue their evil ways.
NOBODY has any rights to the land of Israel, any part of it, except the Jewish people because the Almighty gave it to us. it is clearly written in the Bible. So anyone who argues in favor of Palestinians, Gazans or tries to claim “occupation”, are complicit in the crimes. crimes against humanity. The terrotists are murderers and evil people. Who would kidnap and brutally murder two tiny, innocent children? Those people are not even deserving of the word “human”.
It is time the world stands up for truth, stands up for righteousness, calls out evil and refuses to support it. If there are foolish people without brains who are just repeating mantras of others, shame on them. If there are people who hate Jews and want to support murderers, shame on them. If there are people who do not care about the atrocities of October 7, shame on them. Nothing can justify that evil.
It is time to rid the world of evil and to rid the world of terror. But it requires people waking up and doing what is right. It requires having a conscience.