Shame on the united nations….they are not united with Israel at all. They do everything in their power to undermine Israel. Total anti semitism.  Total prejudice.  But in reality nobody cares about the united nations because they serve no purpose for Israel.  They are only united in evil intentions.

The latest attack on Lebanon is a miraculous victory. We have yet to fully confirm the death of Nasrallah but it certainly looks unlikely he could survive that magnitude of a disaster.  However, the only reason Israel is able to succeed in this war (or any other war) is because the Almighty is fighting with us and for us, destroying our enemies one after the other. It is time to avenge the blood of the holy Jews who were murdered and died al kiddush Hashem last year October 7.  Evil cannot be met with no response. Evil needs to be eliminated and defeated. 

The Jewish nation lives miraculously in the holy land of Israel given to us by G-d Almighty.  There is nothing “natural” about our existence.  We are a miraculous nation and we are the chosen nation, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. 

The world has to respect the Jewish people and Israel because disrespect means disrespecting G-d Himself.

May the upcoming new year bring more miracles and open revealed good for all the Jewish people everywhere in the world.  The Jewish nation are truly united with each other and with the Almighty. This unity will lead to redemption. May this coming year bring Moshiach.