Now we are facing an election where Donald Trump is running against Kamala Harris. Kamala is the perfect example of a liberal.  All the talks about, with such pride, is how nobody can tell a woman what to do with her body…abortion at any stage is fine (basically condoning murder, because that is what abortion really is unless there is a medical necessity)….and what really is disturbing is to see the amount of people cheering her on in agreement!  Is this what America has become?  Harris is basically saying she does not care what G-d wants, she just wants to push her agenda. This is evil. This is not healthy for society.  This is dangerous! Don’t close your eyes to the danger.

I do believe there are still good , upright, moral people in America…but their voices are not heard so much. We need to stand up and , as Donald Trump says, take back our country.   We need to take back our family values, morality, all the good things that America is famous for. 

All the problems we have today in the world, stem from the liberal minded parts of society. And liberals do not bring blessings. They literally go against G-d.  The entire moral fabric of society has been eroded and affected. Confusion and spiritual darkness invaded the world. And the liberals don’t care.  People, wake up!  The liberal mentality and evil leaders of the world are fighting holiness. This is a battle between good and evil.

But one thing I know: good will win. G-d is good. Even if temporarily it looks like evil is getting the upper hand, it is from there that G-d will topple them.  G-d always wins. If , for a short time, someone comes into power who does a lot of negative things, even that is to serve a purpose for G-d as the world is headed towards redemption.  But we, the nation, should stand up for good: should fight the darkness and not succumb to it, G-d forbid. We have to call out evil for what it is. We have to promote moral clarity. What will be with the next generation if we don’t do our job properly now?  We need to be that moral compass in society, that light to the world.