With American elections coming up I feel it my duty to mention that this election is NOT about Trump vs Harris.  This election is good vs evil. This election is liberalism vs a more conservative faith based philosophy. 

What do liberal leftists really want? They want to take G-d out of society. They want to make their own decisions, do whatever they want and they have no fear of Heaven. They have totally selfish intentions. They basically want to destroy the moral fabric of society and replace it with their own garbage agendas.  That is why Kamala harris pushes abortion at any stage of pregnancy. Abortion is murder!  But she does not care and she even makes that one of her main platforms in her push for presidency!  She and Biden both have made statements saying the “Palestinians and the pro Palestinian protesters  have a point”. What point? The point of destroying Israel, G-d forbid. The point of murdering innocent people.  But nobody looks at that.

America constantly tries to pressure Israel in all areas. Israel has to deal with the Gazan population. Israel has to deal with everything. Why does nobody pressure Qatar to give back all the hostages? Qatar runs hamas. They are the ones to pressure. Why does nobody condemn them? Instead they become negotiators for “peace”??? Is there anything more absurd? But people fall for this.

People are emotional. They hear a “nice sounding” speech and they think they can trust the liberals. Do not be fooled!  Know their true intentions. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE GAME PEOPLE PLAY TO GET ELECTED.

Anyone who has a bit of decency and concern for society and the next generation must stand up for truth. We must stand up for the honor of G-d. We cannot allow a society to be run by liberals who have an evil agenda.  This must not happen! 

If you care about society, if you care about Israel, if you care about truth and if you care about G-d, you will NOT VOTE democrat. You will not vote Harris .

Nobody says Trump is perfect or his character isn’t flawed. But at least what he stands for in terms of goals and running the country is better.  He has a good track record on Israel.  Harris however met with a jihadist mayor in Deerfield because she wants muslim votes!   Is that the type of president we want???

Think carefully people. Ultimately G-d will prevail, good will win…but if we have a hand in it too, let’s show our support for truth and for goodness.