Israel Palestinian conflict?
There is no Israel palestinian conflict….there is only a palestinian conflict. Israel has no conflict. We know the land of Israel belongs to us because the G-d of Israel gave it to us, and it is clearly written many times in numerous places in the Bible. And the muslims know this too. But some of them (the radical muslims) choose to ignore this truth and try to say they have a claim to our land. So they create their own conflict! This is not an Israeli problem. It is a Palestinian problem….and actually a problem of every muslim country that harbors and respects radical islam. They all try to claim it is a “holy war”. No, it is not a holy war. A holy war is a war God commands. This is not something God commanded! On the contrary. This is a man made war, working AGAINST what God commanded.
It behooves every intelligent human being to become properly knowledgeable in the Bible and in the true origins of this “conflict” and to stand with the side of truth. Standing behind radical islam and terrorists makes a person a terrorist as well and an accomplice to evil. This is a war between good and evil. And certainly good will prevail!