The entire media is full of lies, bias and hatred against Jews and against Israel.   Everyone screams “ceasefire”, “ you need to get back the hostages…(using that as an excuse to support the terrorists)”  as if we are dealing with normal, caring people!  You cannot make a deal with evil. You cannot negotiate a ceasefire with terrorists.  The reality is, they don’t want a deal, they don’t want a ceasefire, they just want destruction. And they know if people try to pressure Israel into a deal, it gives them time to regroup, rearm and just do further attacks, G-d forbid.

So those who shout “ceasefire”, “we are tired of war”, “we don’t want any more of our soldiers to be killed”….obviously must realize everyone feels the same way. But being emotional and just wanting something, does not make it an intelligent proper decision for  the security of Israel.  This is not an emotional issue. Of course it is painful. Of course we all want the hostages back.  But we cannott risk the safety of the country because of that or do something irresponsible. The social media posts, the news channels, all are irresponsible and do not care to hear the truth.   They push one sided agendas and harm Israel’s security.  It is actually disgusting.  All they emphasize is the suffering of the people in gaza….that is actually chutzpa.  Have they already forgotten the suffering of the Israelis? Have the forgotten who started this war? Have they forgotten that those “civilians’ in gaza participated in the massacre and the kidnapping?

Israel needs to do everything to secure our borders, our country, our citizens….we cannot afford another October 7.  And therefore we cannot go along with the emotional radical leftists, the so called “democrats” who do more harm than good. They shout “we are fed up. We are tired of war. We need to get the hostages back now.! (as if Netanyahu is holding the hostages and can return them at will….)   People have to remember: the hostages are being held by Hamas and other terror groups in gaza.  These are groups who want to do everything to harm Isreal’s security.  So just expressing frustration, anger and desperation will not bring the hostages home.   First, we need the mercy of the Almighty.  Second, we need prayer. A lot of prayer . Third, we need to do what is right for security of the entire nation without compromise.  There is no better option. This is, unfortunately, a war.  Nobody wants war. But this war was forced upon Israel. And yes, there may have been security mistakes or laxes before October 7. But now these mistakes have to be fixed. Going against logic or security would be suicidal. 

And the main thing the world should keep in mind is this: G-d gave Israel to the Jewish people exclusively. Period. Nothing more to talk about. It is non negotiable. There can never be a two state solution. Israel is not a state. It is a holy country. So once the world understands this truth, there is no further claim from the muslim world. This is NOT their country and never will be. Let them go after land from some other middle eastern place. Leave Israel alone. G-d protects israel and will destroy its enemies in due time.  

Harris clearly shows what her attitude to Israel is. She wants muslim votes. She wants support of the arab countries which basically means she does not care about Jews, Israel or even about terrorism. And she does not care if society falls apart. She promotes agendas that are against holiness, against G-d, against morality, against proper values and she does not care what the price will be. She wants to raise taxes and does not care who suffers. She wants to reduce social benefits and does not care the results. Is this the type of President anyone wants???  Harris is pro abortion (basically pro murder), she never mentions G-d, does not seem to believe in much and her level of morality is very low.

Trump has proven himself when it comes to Israel. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. He did not pressure Israel with the Golan Heights. He understands terror and how to deal with it.  And he wants to lower taxes for business and make changes in society for the better.  It does not matter what you may think about his personal life, but he has greater moral values overall. He mentions G-d. He thanks G-d for saving him from that assassination attempt.

I do pray that the good people of America will think correctly and do what is right to give our society a chance to bounce back from all the evil that has seeped into the world.  But whatever the election results will be, will ultimately lead to the coming of Moshiach. Politicians have no power. Only Hashem runs the world and He will lead us to redemption very, very soon, may it be immediately now.