It annoys me no end to hear people like kamala harris saying “israel has a right to defend itself.”  Seriously? do we need her permission? It is like telling America after 911 they have a right to defend themselves…it is redundant and means nothing. In fact, it is an insult!! Any thinking person would never say that. Only anti semitic liberals speak like that.

Israel has a right to survive and thrive, not only defend itself. Israel has a right to claim the entire land of Israel because G-d gave it to us. Israel has a right to live in peace without being attacked by terrorists. 

Nobody needs to be told they have a right to defend themselves.  Nobody should be scrutinizing Israelis reactions or behavior: this is war!  And Israel did not start it….

Where is the outrage about the atrocities committed by hamas? Where is the outrage about the conditions of the hostages? Where is the voice of justice in the world???

Israel needs no permission or approval to defend itself, to attack terrorists, to eliminate enemies and to rescue captives or hostages. Thank you world, but we dont need your biased opinions. If you want to support Israel and support our G-d given right to our land, that is something noble. If you want to give us “permission” to do what any country woulddo when attacked, we dont need that. Leave us alone. We have G-d on our side.